Thursday, July 23, 2009


Stopped in at Goodwill this morning to browse
for some t-shirts for my girls. They both started
volleyball practice and that means color coordinating
the team at the 2 a days, every single day. (in other
words, alot of extra laundry to do!!)

In the background I heard phrases spoken that
alarmed me and I listened more intently. A woman
saying "she's losing color", "can you hear me", then
began saying her name many times. My feet moved
in the direction when I heard her scream...."she's not

As I ran in to offer help, I saw it was a mother leaning
over her teenage daughter, as she lay sprawled on the
floor....not breathing. The mom then asks if anyone
knows CPR...of which I do but as I took a second to
respond another lady jumped in and began the breathing.

With that being covered, my instincts of being a
mother who's youngest suffers from seizures brought
on by diabetes, my first thought was to check her blood
sugar and after opening my girls testing kit and having
everything fly across the floor of Goodwill, I managed
to get it all together and get her tested, I realized
that it was in the normal range.

It was like de-ja-vu for me...and a scary reality
check for my daughter who looked on. I see the
actions/reactions by her and myself but this
was the first time our daughter was able to visually see
how she gets during a seizure and it alarmed her! The
clenched fists, unresponsiveness, becoming combative,
sweating, feverish and the terror of mom hovering over
top unsure she's doing enough to help until the ambulance

I helped get the girl to her side as she began to throw
up when coming to. I asked someone to bring wet, cool
rags. We just slid over the racks to make the aisles more
passable and when no one had yet come with the rags, we
borrowed something off one rack and a man gave me a
bottle of sufficed!!

I began asking the girl her name, where she went
to school....just anything to see if I got a normal response.
She just wanted mom and held tight...I held her other
hand and she began to calm down until the paramedics
arrived. She was terrified, moreso at the prospect of
going to the emergency room.....I can't blame her!

I did overhear her tell her mom that when she quit
breathing that "she had seen all kinds of different
things" yet she couldn't describe it to her, she just made
an unusual face as if to question if she really did see
what she thought she had... and it made me believe
she had a brief glimpse of Heaven!

I'm praying that she's fine and heading to her home,
I so badly wanted to go up to the hospital to offer her
mom help but didn't want to get in the way. I know how
troubling times like these can be for all involved and
any bit of kindness and hope can work miracles to those
waiting to hear news. I'm just glad that God put me at
that particular place and I could offer some
it ever so small.....and wouldn't you know it that the
good samaritan who provided CPR vanished into thin
air as soon as she came to... mom turned to thank her
and she was not to be found!!
Am I the only one with chill bumps? "Guardian Angel"??? ^j^

Have a beautiful day and remember that God puts us
where he wants us.....sometimes we find out why, other
times we may never know. ^j^ GIGI ^j^


  1. Oh, Gigi, I thank God for you today. Your help may have been "small" but it was huge and your prayers will be just as profound. My two littlest gals have both suffered from febrile seizures. They will both outgrow it but they both have had "atypical" seizures. Lasting sooooo long. One for over 2 hrs. We give rectal valium to stop them. My oldest is now over a year without one and my 2 y/o has gone about 6 months. I'm telling you that just so you know that I know what you have seen with your child and today with the girl at GW. I will pray for her too and for your child!

  2. Oh Gigi - I thank God for you today too! I think there might be some Guardian Angel in you!!! Hug your child close and know that BOTH of you are so blessed and each of you are in my prayers!

  3. Wow! I am sure that mom is thanking God for you. We just never know what God is going to ask of us. As a mother of a special needs child, I know the fear of something happening to her. Thank you for showing your goodwill in Goodwill today.



"my faux bubblegum machine"

Reflecting on the past

Reflecting on the past