It's been a long while since I've posted something.
I think sometimes that what I have to contribute is
nothing much compared to others.
Posting pics along with my words and keeping
it all coinciding has been a chore for me since I'm
computer illiterate!! Seems that my blog is a
bit messy compared to others....but I'm still a
work in progress!! We all are a work in progress...
each day God brings something to our hearts or minds
and we realize that he's never, ever done with us!! I end my personal pity party by realizing that
I'll constantly be striving, learning and progressing....
I still have time to learn how to blog correctly! ; } and
hopefully, I'll still have some followers who have an
interest in reading my babblings!! Hope your 4th
was awesome and that you made some great memories!
Take care of yourself and one another......GIGI ; }
Thought I'd share a pic of Samsam...he's definitely
mamas constant shadow and such a snuggly
cuddler....his presence makes my life better and
more fulfilling. I just love the big ole schmooooz!!!
A Merry Christmas to you!
12 years ago
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